Our Vision is to Make the World Mobile.

Our Mission
Your gifts to Make the World Mobile provide the leg disabled of Kenya with hand-cranked Mobility Carts. Built by volunteers, there is no cost to the recipient – we reflect the love of Christ by freely giving mobility, dignity, and opportunity.
Our Core Values
By almost any measure, the poorest of the poor, living in the world today, are the leg disabled.
Nowhere in the world are there significantly more leg disabled than in the country of Kenya, Africa.
Without help, they crawl in the dirt.
Make the World Mobile supporters show the love of Christ by providing heavy duty, three wheeled, hand-cranked wheelchairs which give them a life.
Partners for Care
Our Distribution Ally
Make the World Mobile could not accomplish its mission without our distribution ally, Partners for Care. Partners for Care has helped to ease the burdens of people with disabilities in Kenya since 2007. PFC provides Mobility Carts which change lives by providing mobility, dignity, and independence.
Photos on our website were provided by Partners for Care.