From birth, Anthony suffered from spina bifida, a condition which left him unable to walk. The child's only means of movement was to crawl in the dirt.
Dragging himself along the rough and rocky paths which lead to his school, serious and painful injuries to Anthony's feet and ankles soon developed.
Left untreated, these injuries could have caused a life-threatening infection.
Because Anthony had no access to a mobility device, his only means of mobility was to crawl on the ground.
Happily for Anthony, his parents were introduced to our ally in Kenya, Partners for Care. PFC staff examined Anthony and lovingly treated the child's wounds.
To address Anthony's need for mobility, PFC staff gave him a Mobility Cart, built by a Mobility Worldwide affiliate.
Now, Anthony's wounds have healed, and his Mobility Cart provides him with transportation to school. He and his family have a new-found hope and dignity.
Without the gift of time and money of donors like you, this happy outcome would not have been possible. Many thanks to you, for making each gift of mobility a life-changing event!
Thanks to you, the wounds on Anthony's feet have begun to heal.